My favorite technology gadget has to be my iPad. I can do everything on the iPad. I can listen to music, search the internet, check my email, play games, stay organized, go on YouTube. There is so much I can do on the iPad it is unbelievable. I just love my iPad.
My work style
I don't mind working alone because you can work at your own speed and your work is your grade. But at the same time i like to work in groups because it helps me to become a little more confident because there are others there to work with and we can all help and put our ideas together as and help each other to give a better understanding if needed. I also love meeting new people and making new friends!!
Two skills I can offer
I like to get things done in a timely matter and I do not like to procrastinate. I am also a very open minded person I listen to what others have to say because they may have a better idea and I know that you can't always be right.
A link to an online video that i found about teachers integrating technology into their classroom and facilitate learning was how schools in Canada use MARVIN